Akashic Readings

Let your soul speak

Every hallowed text has said that the universal source, God or Buddha know every hair on your head and every deed done. Where is all this information stored ? In sanskrit it is known as the Akasha. Therefore when I read the akashic records I ask the lords of the records for permission. This requires a special prayer to be said for each person prior to the reading.

When I was 24 a college friend ask me if I wanted to have an akashic reading. It was the most amazing reading of any kind I have ever had in my whole life! He spoke of 3 past lives I was here to balanced and draw upon. Also he gave me 10 important points for living this lifetime, that has served me well. As the soul is eternal so are the records of each soul. In Qi Gong they believe the primary soul continues on in reincarnation. Thus carrying the records of karmic lessons. Some past lives provide gifts and skills, some require compassionate balancing actions. The reading last about one hour. Questions of why, what or how can be answered. Some people prefer to just allow me to read what their soul want them to know for guidance.

Thich Nah t Hanh, Vietnamese monk said ” We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”

For an akashic reading please go to contact